SuperForex Copy Service: How to Earn Passively Replicating Trades on This Platform

Have you come across the term copy trading? If not, it’s a trading method allowing investors to copy the trades of highly skilled traders automatically. Several brokers support this type of trading. Among them is SuperForex. Through its copy service, Forex Copy, you can follow the trades of proficient traders, thus enabling you to earn similar profits to those realized by expert traders without having extensive trading knowledge.

The SuperForex Copy Service (Forex Copy)

With its headquarters in Belize, SuperForex is regulated by IFSC. The broker has been in business over the past ten years, offering innovative services, such as copy trading, to its customers. Forex Copy is ideal for beginner traders who have yet to master the art of forex trading. All they have to do is select skilled traders and link their SuperForex accounts to theirs to copy trades.

How Do Forex Copy Work?

There are two parties in the Forex Copy platform: The Follower and the Master. The latter is a SuperForex user who lets other users copy their trades, while the former is the user replicating trades of the Master.

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Forex Copy provides an extra income avenue for the Masters through daily commissions and profit sharing.

Daily Commission or Profit Sharing?

Followers don’t have to pay both daily commissions and profit sharing. They can pick one option. If they choose profit sharing, they only pay a certain percentage of the generated profits to their Master. The upside of this option is that a follower only pays a Master trader after realizing profits. As for Daily commission, followers pay daily fees to their Masters, whether profits have been made or not. This option can be advantageous to followers in some cases. For example, a Master charges a daily commission of $10 and a profit share of 20%, and then they happen to generate for you $1,000 in profits within ten days. If you opted for a daily commission, you would pay them $100 ($10 x 10 days), and in case you chose profit sharing, you would pay $200 (20% x $1,000).

How Do You Access Forex Copy Platform?

You can access Forex Copy by visiting the SuperForex website. Here is how to get started with Forex Copy as a follower:

Step 1: Visit and click “Open Account” if you do not have a SuperForex trading account. Hit “Sign in” if you have one.

Step 2: To register an account, enter your email and password.

Step 3: Find the Forex Copy menu on your dashboard and click the “Become a Follower” button.

Step 4: Press the “Subscribe as a Follower” button.

Step 5: Fund your account with at least $10 to start replicating trades.

Terms and Conditions for SuperForex Copy Service

Here are some terms and conditions you should know about when using Forex Copy:

  • The service is only available to standard account holders.
  • To Copy trades, deposit a minimum of $10.
  • As a Follower, you can register multiple follower accounts and subscribe to several Master accounts.
  • A SuperForex user cannot register as a Master and a Follower simultaneously.
  • If no trade is opened within 24 hours, the Follower doesn’t have to pay a daily commission to the Master.

Final Thoughts

Forex Copy is indeed beneficial for the parties involved. Followers earn without trading experience, while Masters receive extra income through commissions and profit share. All said, do your due diligence before signing up with SuperForex.

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